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Have you already asked how many Sekitsch people were there in all of the 158 year existence of our homeland village?
I did and I absolutely wanted to have an answer, so I began to calculate. Yet before I come up with the number, I would still like to reference these two point:

  1. One such calculation is not simple because there were still no official numbers available for the years 1886 - 1930. The probable worth of these numbers from this period is taken into account.
  2. The Sekitsch people in this calculation are those who settled in 1786 and those who were born from 1786 - 1944. Likewise, those who moved to Sekitsch during that same period were considered Sekitsch people.
Explanations of the calculations

The number of settlers in 1786 we by checking with Friedrich Lotz's "The Sekitsch Colonial Families." They amounted to 1,087.
The number of people who migrated up to 1944 was produced from a comparison of the name lists in the homeland books by Jauß and Sandles. Through this comparison showed 96 family names. Assuming that each of these families had on the average 4 people we produce a total number of 384 migrating people.
The number of births up to the year 1885 is exactly given by Jauß. For the period of the first 100 years it amounted to exactly 13,000.
The number of births for the period 1931 to 1944 amounted to 890 according to Sandles homeland book. The increase in births in the first hundred years amounted to a 10 year average of 17.13%. This percentage also formed the basis for calculating the birth increase from 1886 to 1915.
The birth rate during and after World War I dropped very much. For the years 1916 to 1930 it was assumed to be 1.385% based on the numbers from 1931 to 1944.

Settlers in 1786 1.087
Migrants from 1786-1944 484
1786-1795 556
1796-1805 664
1806-1815 814
1816-1825 974
1826-1835 1.260
1836-1845 1.397
1846-1855 1.432
1856-1865 1.642
1866-1875 1.995
1876-1885 2.266
Total: 13.000
1886-1895(+17,13%) 2.654
1896-1905(+17,13%) 3.109
1906-1915(+17,13%) 3.642
1916-1925 (1.385%v. 5000 x 10 yrs.) 693
1926-1930 (1,385%v. 4600 x 5 yrs.) 319
1931-1944 890
Altogether: 25.778

As "leading proof" of the relative correctness of this calculation I would like the following taken into consideration: In 1885 Sekitsch had an inhabitant census of about 6000. In the following 30 years it rose again because of large families, at least temporarily, even though the child mortality rose higher. It is therefore not completely false when one estimates the total inhabitant census on the average for the total period of 158 years to be about 158 years to be about 4000. In Sekitsch, without the settlement generation, 6 generations lived who were born in Sekitsch. 6 x 4000 = 24,000. This number almost agrees with the above calculation including the birth census. (24,307). Including the settlers and emigrants one comes to 25,471 people altogether, almost the same number as in the calculations.
The birth rate amounted to a yearly average of 3.76% (13 x 4.2 and 3 x 1.4) for the total period.
Calculation: 3.76% by 4000 x 158 years = 25,234 people.
One may nevertheless hold on to all of the inaccuracies of our calculations that in the 158 years there were between 25,000 and 26,000 Sekitsch people.

Philipp Sandles


The basis for this section of time was permitted on the strength of its uniform statistical surveys. Altogether there were in this and similar periods of time 9,964 people confirmed in the Evangelical faith in Sekitsch.

The following families had the most candidates for confirmation:

 1. Gerber 300 Personen 15. Eckert 147 Personen
 2. Burger 300 Personen 16. Becker 137 Personen
 3. Müller 296 Personen 17. Lehr 135 Personen
 4. Roth 293 Personen 18. Schäfer 135 Personen
 5. Karbiner 278 Personen 19. Fetzer 134 Personen
 6. Scheer 242 Personen 20. Mandel 131 Personen
 7. Bieber 241 Personen 21. Ohlicher 131 Personen
 8. Graf 172 Personen 22. Butscher 131 Personen
 9. Tauß 171 Personen 23. Grau 127 Personen
10. Kinkel 170 Personen 24. Bensinger 120 Personen
11. Gutwein 168 Personen 25. Weber 117 Personen
12. Hegel 163 Personen 26. Beron 107 Personen
13. Freund 158 Personen 27. Schübler 106 Personen
14. Wagner 148 Personen

These families amounted to 47.75% of all candidates for confirmation.

Interesting conclusions were also drawn from the documents concerning the common first names. There were 1,093 females with the first name Katharina. With 21.90 % of all females confirmed this first name stood at first place.
After that followed:
 Margaretha mit 718 Personen = 14,38%
 Elisabetha mit 686 Personen = 13,74%
 Christina mit 445 Personen =   8,10%
 Barbara mit 358 Personen =   7,17%
 Theresia mit 317 Personen =   6,35%
 Magdalena mit 204 Personen =   4,09%
 Sophia mit 195 Personen =   3,91%
 Dorothea mit 124 Personen =   2,48%
 Anna Maria mit   71 Personen =   1,42%

Among the males there were 647 with the first name Jakob. With 13.01 % of all men confirmed, this first name stood at first place.
After that followed:
 Philipp mit 642 Personen = 12,91%
 Peter mit 426 Personen =   8,57%
 Georg mit 384 Personen =   7,72%
 Johann mit 266 Personen =   5,35%
 Ludwig mit 266 Personen =   5,35%
 Nikolaus mit 264 Personen =   5,31%
 Heinrich mit 253 Personen =   5,09%
 Christian mit 244 Personen =   4,91%
 Gottfried mit 217 Personen =   4,36%
 Friedrich mit 152 Personen =   3,06%
 Konrad mit 125 Personen =   2,51%

The so often occurring double names such as Elisabetha Katharina, Maria Elisabetha, Katharina Margaretha, Katharina Magdelena, Johann Philipp, Johann Jakob, Johann Georg were not taken into consideration in the statistics.


The wealth of names of the Sekitsch population was diverse. Not all of the families belonged to the "German name nobility" of Schmidt, Müller, and Mayer. Each family name has its own origin and development history which in most cases over the century have been drawn up. The organic growing world of the German family names have roots which reach back to the middle ages and was affected with their education and provisional completion on the threshold of a new period. Countless facts, situations, properties, and other factors were the cause for the formation of the many arrangements of the German name mosaic. The spectrum of names in Sekitsch is an illustration of this mosaic.

  1. Family names which describe a profession or occupation:
    Bauer, Becker (from Bäcker), Fischer, Fuhrmann, Gerber, Glöckner, Krieger, Müller, Rechner, Schäfer, Schmidt, Schneider, Wagner, Weber, Weingärtner, Ziegler (farmer, baker, fisherman, tanner, bell ringer, warrior, miller, accountant, shepherd, smith, tailor, wagon maker, vintner, brick maker.)
  2. Family names with the meaning of an object or thing:
    Balg, Dietrich, Gabel, Henkel, Keller, Kern, Kesselring, Scheer, Scheib, Sehne, Siegel, Spieß, Stiefel (brat, skeleton key, fork, handle, cellar, kernel, kettle ring, shear, disc, string, seal, spear, boot.)
  3. Family names which express a characteristic:
    Edel, Feige, Freund, Grau, Jung, Klein, Kühn, Sauer. (noble, fig, friend, gray, young, small, bold, sour.)
  4. Name group "-mann":
    Biermann, Bergmann, Dautermann, Fuhrmann, Hartmann, Haumann, Hellermann, Hoffmann, Lohrmann, Neumann.
  5. Family names which also occur as first names:
    Andres, Anton(i), Daniel, Fritz, Hein, Heinz, Klaus, Lorenz, Michel, Thomas, Walter.
  6. Family names with church meanings:
    Avemaria, Christ, Oster, Pfaff.
  7. Family names with animal meanings:
    Bieber (from Biber), Exle (from Öchsle), Geier, Rapp, Roß, Rothfuchs, Schneck. (beaver, ox, vulture, black horse, horse, red fox, snail.)
  8. Family names which describe plants:
    Busch, Feige, Holz, Mandel, Stengel (bush, fig, wood, almond, stem).
  9. Family names that describe a title:
    Graf, Meister, Ritter (count, master, knight).
  10. Family names which describe the earth's upper surface:
    Berg, Staub, Steg, Stein (mountain, dust, foot-bridge, stone).
  11. Family names that express a time period:
    Freitag, März (Friday, March)
  12. Family names which consist of compound words:
    Gutwein, Huthfließ,Kesselring, Morgenthaler, Reitenbach, Rettenbach, Rothfuchs,Wildermuth, Zuschlag (good-wine, hat-to flow, morning-valley, to ride-brook, to save-brook, red-fox, wild-courage, to-blow)
  13. Foreign language family names:
    Bakonji, Batroff (Batruff), Benedek,Beron, Blansch, Botschkaj, Emödy, Fodor, Halasi, Howe, Karius,Keresztessy, K, L. Lippay, Matthy, Mezey, Morell, Schuhay, Spangus,Thuro, Titelatz, Zsidai.

As we can see here, many Sekitsch names cannot be listed. Their assignment I cannot carry out unambiguously. Many names experienced change in the course of their development but also change which made their origin of meaning unrecognizable to the connected name researcher. Before I make a mistake I disregard these names, including my own. A curiosity worth mentioning: if one looks in a thick German telephone book, one finds very many pages with Schmidt, Müller, and Mayer in all their different spellings. One glance in the Sekitsch telephone book and we are very disappointed regarding this matter. These names were seldom used by us.
So what! We were just not "noble", we were just farmers and craftsmen.

Philipp Sandles

Source - Beloved Homeland

To differentiate the numerous same family names of the bearers one frequently gave them additional names. These were either derivations of family or house names of the family in which they were married or from the occupation or the activity of the name bearer himself. In many cases such name connections came from jokes or purely from pranks (mockery) and what has followed is that just these names themselves have been persistently kept. Many people of Sekitsch were hardly known by their inherited names.
Listen to the conversation by two women at the Sekitsch Kirchweih (church celebration) who have not seen each other for years:

1. "Jetz is des Resi a schun so lang in Amerika" (Now Resi has also already been in America for a long time.)
2. "Ich weeß awwer net, well Resi dass du mennscht." (I don't know which Resi you mean.)
1. "Ei na, Hesse Resi!" (the Hesse Resi!)
2. "Ja well Hesse Resi?" (Which Hesse Resi?)
1. "Na Palschneiders Resi!" (the Palschneiders' Resi!)
2. "Ja well Palschneiders dann?" (Which Palschneiders?)
1. "Ei na Karwinners Palschneiders!" (the Karwinners' Palschneiders!)
2. "Ja well Karwinners?" (Which Karwinners?)
1. "Na des werscht doch wisse, Nettlis Karwinners!" (The one you still know, the Nettlis Karwinners!)
2. "In die Zweitreih?" (In the second row?)
1. "Nee, in de Ewwereih!" (No, in the upper row!)
2. "Ja wu in de Ewwereih?" (Where in the upper row?)
1. "Ei na an Rudolfe Wertshaus un an Nickelschneiders niwwer!" (At Rudolfe Inn across from Nickelschneiders!)
2. "Ach, des is jo Karwinnerfritze Gretche sei Schweschter!" (Oh, that is the Karwinnerfritze's Gretchen, his sister.)
1. "Ei na jo, em Zapp sei Stiefschweschter, em Philipp, em Uhrmacher sei Fraaa!" (Yes, the Zapp sister of Philipp, the clockmaker, his wife!)
2. "Ach jetzt weeß ich, wenne dass du mennscht!" (Oh now I know who you mean!)

Philipp Wagner from Geislingen, in cooperation with a small group of Sekitsch people put together these names. The name in brackets is the family name.

Abnehmers (Karbiener) * Affe (Avemaria) * Amreis (Henninger) * Auguschte (Gerber) * Backottls (Ott) * Badschurre (Kinkel) * Baumgärtners (Neumann) * Bandure (Wagner) * Barjers (Burger) * Baschtjans (Hofscheier) * Bases (Gerber) * Beckerles (Becker) * Bendertischlers (Bender) * Bensingers Judd (Bensinger) * Berschtebinners (Maar) * Berschtenickels (Mathy) * Binderjergls (?) * Bindermichls (Haug) * Bienemichls (Roth) * Bildwewers (Christ) * Blatters (Bieber, Exle, Hartmann, Stammler) * Burgers (Stephan, Wagner) * Butscherlissls (Butscher) * Butterliss (?) * Butterpeters (Scheer) * Butterwilhelms (Burger)
Chárdadraxlers (Mandel) * Chrischtls (Becker)
Draxlers (Mandel) * Drehers (Keller)
Eckertschneiders (Eckert) * Endresse (Wagner) * Eselsbecks (Freudinger) * Extrabensingers (Bensinger)
Freidingers (Rettenbach) * Freindsjeris (Freund) * Feldscheris (Becker) * Ferdnands (Hartmann) * Friddls (Bieber) * Frieders (Kinkel) * Fritze (Steinmetz)
Gatsch Ottls (Ott) * Geierlissls (Graf) * Gigeis (Lohrmann) * Gleckners (Eckert) * Gottfekrischte (Christ) * Gottfriddls (Graf) * Grassmucks (Fetzer) * Graue Peters (Karbiener) * Grossdavids (Lehr) * Grosser Judd (Niedan) * Gruwerjergls (Gruber) * Guschtls (Exle) * Gutschls Schmied (Schmidt)
Hambalze (Burger) * Handivelts (Karbiener) * Hanflips (Müller) * Hanjárgretl (Schübler) * Hanjárs (Roth) * Hanjár Adam (Schwarzer) * Hansammls (Weber) * Hanses (Müller) * Hansnickls (Gerber) * Hausleits (Leibersperger) * Heidschütze (Leipold) * Hegelpeters (Hegel) * Heilichbecks (Freund) * Heilichhutmachers (Schmidt) * Hengschteschneiders (Gutwein) * Henrichpeters (Weber) * Herolds (Schübler) * Herzls Burger) * Hortjak (Ortag) * Hunjadis (Fetzer) * Hutmachers (Hein, Karbiener)
Jäckls (Leipold, Lohrmann) * Jaköbls (Bieber) * Jantsches (Antoni) * Jarekers (Morgenthaler) * Jerbalze (Burger) * Jerfriddls (Lehr) * Jergs (Lohrmann) * Jerichkarls (Karbiener, Klaus) * Jerris (Karbiener) * Jerschneiders (Mandel, Schneider) * Jockels (Mandel) * Jurges (Lehr) * Joschkes (Geyer) * Joseps (Müller)
Kaadis (Pister) * Kamplmachers (Karbiener, Reyer, Schneider) * Karbmachers (Exle, Schneider, Wagner, Weingärtner) * Karls (Peter, Scheer) * Karwinnerfritze (Karbiener) * Kässchneiders (Schmidt) * Käsberwls (Meyer) * Kerschners (Lorenz, Ohlicher, Tauss) * Kettls (Schäfer) * Kiefers (Graf) * Klampfners (Bieber, Hess) * Kleenpeters (Klein) * Kleenrichters (Wagner) * Kolters (Karbiener) * Krierpeters (Karius) * Krischans Krischan (Becker) * Krischmännls (Müller) * Krtschmaguschtl (Hoegel) * Kuttlputzers (?)
Langejagobs (Graf) * Langeschneiders (Roth) * Lalis (Bieber) * Lappes (Niedan) * Leertls (Fetzer, Hoegel) * Leinewewers (Christ) * Letzes (Fetzer, Scheer) * Litterhannes (?) * Lukasse (Diel) * Lukässls (Diel) * Ludwigs (Lehr)
Maronimann (Freund) * Marusche (Diel) * Mathesse (Bieber) * Mathyis (Mezei) * Márdanjedls (Daniel) * Mauerles (Leipold, Leopold) * Maxe (Leipold, Wagner) * Melcherts (Bensinger, Grau) * Messerschmidts (Ritter) * Miedes (Siehler) * Miellukasse (Diel) * Munschokls (Munsch)
Neehlichs (Roth, Schuster) * Nettlis (Karbiener) * Nicklrode (?) * Niklosche (Gerber) * Nicklschneiders (Wagner)
Ohlichmillers (Butscher) * Oschterhase (Gutwein) * Ottls Moler (Becker) * Owermillers (Redl, Roth)
Palschneiders ( Schneider) * Parrelosers (Loser) * Peifers (Brodt) * Poldis (Woebel)
Quetschenickls (Burger)
Raafangkehrers (Burger, Halasi) * Rawers (Raber, Tauss) * Reedls (Roth) * Riemers Klett (Diel) * Rigánys (Ringel) * Rote Seelers (Gutwein) * Rothschumachers (Roth) * Rudolfe (Siehler)
Sammls (Rettenbach) * Saudivelds (Graf) * Schajes (Abraham) * Schersche (Brodt) * Scheeners (Wahl) * Scherschls Juri (Brodt) * Schlossermichls (Scheer) * Schlosserpeters (Scheer) * Schlosserphilipps (Schäfer) * Schlumpers (Eckert) * Schmelzers (Wahl) * Schmiedpeters (Freund) * Schmieds Riemer (Freund) * Schneiderhanse (Fetzer) * Schörösche (Tauss) * Schreiners (Freund) * Schulhanse (Müller) * Schurre (Kinkel) * Schurre Judd (Kinkel) * Schschters (Kinkel) * Secklers (Exle) * Seelerjergls (Hoegel) * Siebmachers (Ringel) * Sockebinners (Webel) * Sodasche (Hellermann) * Spitzwilhelm (Graf) * Springpeter (Roth) * Stellers (Ohlicher) * Stcklhüters (Karius) * Strickerhanse (Zeh) * Stroosemachers (Fehér) * Stummschwanze (Schübler) * Suppejohanns (Lohrmann) * Suppejurges (Lohrmann)
Topplers (Kati, Egner) * Tschasteeters (Bitschenauer)
Uhremachers (Hartmann)
Waanerjockls (Wagner) * Waanerfritze (Graf) * Waaners (Bittlingmayer, Christ) * Wahlschneiders (Wahl) * Wahltischlers (Wahl) * Weisskopps (Schübler) * Wildermuts (Karger) * Windmillers (Christ)
Zappe (Haug) * Zappe Stefan (Haug) * Zieglfritz (Scheib) * Zieglschurre (Kinkel)


While Hegyes had a mail stop in 1791 and Feketitsch from 1869 on, but Sekitsch first received one of these in 1872. Perhaps Sekitsch as a large community had its first mail stop relatively late because it was a neighboring community of Kishegyes and for that reason could have its mail cared for from there?
In the monograph of Hungarian postmarks ("A Magyar belyegek Monográfiája, Bd. V1, S. 154) it is noted that Sekitsch received its first postal stamp* in 1872. With it a post office was also opened for the first time in Sekitsch. How it was usually handled in the '70's with a so-called one circle stamp with the inscription SZEGHEGY, Bacs M. (M. for megye = Komitat (county)) and date of service. A new post stamp came in 1885 with the same inscription.

With the introduction of the Yugoslavian postal administration in 1918 Sekitsch received a so-called two circle stamp with beams going through it, in 1899 Sekitsch received a so-called two circle stamp. In any case it showed the inscription SZEGHEGY under which there wasSaint Stephan's crown, and in the beams was the date (three numbers until 1899) and under it the letters N and A. This stamp remained in use until 1918-19.
With the introduction of the Yugoslavian postal administration in 1918 Sekitsch received a two circle stamp with beams going through it in which the village name was written in Cyrillic script above and Latin script below. In the beam was the date: day, month (in Roman numerals) and the year. The Hungarians placed the date in reverse order (year, month, day). It is suspected that Sekitsch still had a one circle stamp at the end of the '30's, as it happened in several other villages at the time. Unfortunately I am still missing the exact papers about it.

In the years 1941 to 1944 Sekitsch again had a Hungarian postal administration and the post stamp SZEGHEGY as a two circle stamp with Saint Stephan's crown and center cross beams. There were at the time two post stamps which were only different in the statements A and B. Stamp A was first used on May 10th, 1941 and stamp B was first used on August 11th, 1941.

After the loss of our homeland Sekitsch again came under the Yugoslavian administration. In the beginning the name Sekitsch was still kept. With the change of the village name to LOVCENAC (at the end of the '40's, I am missing the exact date). Sekitsch also received the post stamp "Lovcenac."Today Sekitsch has the one circle stamp LOVCENAC with the post code 24322 in three issues: a, b, c.

Fekititsch Postal History

The post office opening followed in 1869 with the stamp FEKETEHEGY. From 1895 to 1918-1919 mail a two circle stamp with the inscription BACSFEKETEHEGY. There was also a stamp HEGYES-FEKETEHEGY from 1898 to 1908 and a train station stamp KISHEGYES-BÄCSFEKETEHEGY P.U. (Pályaudvar = train station) from 1908 to 1912. Under Yugoslavian postal administration Feketitsch at first had a two circle stamp with the inscription CRNO BRDO in Cyrillic script (above) and in Latin script (below). The village name Crno Brdo meant "black mountain" and may have existed until about 1923. Unfortunately I still could not learn the exact date. My baptismal certificate from the Feketitsch registrar's office already bore the village name of Feketitsch again in 1925. One may accept from it that about 1923-24 the "Rücktaufe" (back baptism?) followed in Feketitsch. Until 1942 a two circle stamp (probably also a one circle stamp) was in use, which again FEKETIC was shown in Cyrillic script above and in Latin script below.

From 1941 to 1944 Feketitsch had the post stamp BACS-FEKETEHEGY with the Saint Stephan's crown. There were two versions of it: 1A from May 2, 1941 and 1B from June 19, 1941.
After the war Feketitsch received the name it has today and a one circle stamp with the inscription FEKETIC in Latin script and with the post code 24323.

* NOTE: The "Poststempel" (post stamp) appears to be what we would call a cancellation today used to "cancel" a postage stamp.

Do you know, dear reader, where the term "artesian" comes from?

The artesian well (climbing well) was naturally fed by the stretched ground water that was brought to light by drilling under natural pressure. With this it acts as an artificially created source by which the water as a result of excess pressure independently climbs up when one prepares the way for it. The water is found between two impenetrable hollow shaped layers and was drilled at one place, which lay deeper than the feeder stream. The first well of this type was built in 1126 in the French county of Artois (Latin: Artesium) in the province of Pas-de-Calais and named after it. Many of our forefathers came from Alsace-Lorraine, which today belongs to the French. It was already known with certainty by the term "artesian". Yes, perhaps we owe thanks to their knowledge and their initiative that such a well was also drilled in our homeland? In any case we knew to treasure what we had in our healthy water.
In 1944 there were artesian wells in front in front of the homes of:

Friedrich Ohlicher
Theobald Graf
Karl Busch
Anton Rechner
Peter Eckert
Lukas Taus
Heinrich Jantzen
Philipp Wahl
Jakob Mandel
as well as in the small gardens

see above